Online PBL Expectations

All Teachers and Staff would like to remind students and families of the Online Expectations we have of students as we begin learning online.

Respect expectations for online learning: We use our online tools appropriately, We listen and show respect to othersResponsible expectations for online learning: We utilise Google Classroom regularly, We are managing our time, We ask others to help usLearner expectations for online learning; We engage with our teachers and peers, We prepare our physical space, We are ready to learn

Teachers and staff will be rewarding students who are showing these positive behaviours with Stripes, and verbally acknowledging students' efforts.

At the end of each week, we will be doing a barrel draw out of every student who has shown our positive behaviours. Winners of this draw will receive special recognition sent home, as well as other fun prizes.

We encourage students to check their Year Group Google Classroom page for updates.